For information from the developer:
John Maynard
The land in question is located directly behind the town homes that are right across Union from Ranch Drive. This land is directly across from our proposed Open Space park. In addition, it is right next to the University Park/Hauck Estate Open Space being purchased by the city. From neighborhood information, it appears that a 7-11 convenience store is proposed for this site. Major concerns are the loss of more open space in the Union Corridor and traffic problems at the end of the S curve on Union as cars come and go from the shopping center.
Concerns should be directed towards Larry Larsen at 385-5090 in the Planning Department and Chris Lieber at 385-6530 in the TOPS office. Their emails are and Please contact me at 598-6106 or and I can put you in touch with the respective neighborhood captains in the area.
Scot Hume