1) Ask the church and developer to defer construction in this area or scale back the plans to allow for more open space. Specific concerns center on the density of 9 houses, a church and parking lot on a rather small 6 acre plot of land.
2) Make sure the forested hillside at the corner of Union and Ranch is protected as a conservation easement. This area should include protection for approximately 4 of the 10 privately held acres in the church proposal.
3) Look for protection of the seasonal wetlands that form along the old dam site and flow back toward the private property.
4) Negotiate a formal trail easement through the church complex that follows the toe of the hill along the route of the existing trail. Larry Larsen in the Planning Office can help to write up the details.
5) Determine and formalize the protection status of the other 37 acres of open land. Specifically look at the 13 acres not included in the Hillside Overlay program. Change the zoning status to PK (parks) if it is possible and does not create a drainage issue for the Parks and Recreation department. The TOPS committee will help in this review.
6) Determine the land owner of the southern tip of the existing trail and create a trail easement that will allow neighborhood members to help in the maintenance of the areas that continue to washout. Chris Lieber believes that TOPS and the City Planning Department can help us to formalize this access.
7) Review and comment upon the analysis or visual, traffic, drainage,
erosion, vegetation and wildlife habitates.